Sunday, March 21, 2010

Because We Are Humans...

Hello everyone!

Its been awhile since I posted on this blog. What am I going to post now? Well, just happen to have it run through my mind, I'm gonna post about emotions! Yes, emotions. We are humans, thus we have emotions! Sounds a random idea to post? No, not really correct, it is a vital key to success.

A key to success is what everyone wants to achieve, but not achievable by everyone. One key factor is the human emotions. You might be wondering, "what are you posting.." well I guess its nothing too nonsensical though. Emotions is what everyone experiences everyday, every minute, and every second. When people are feeling good, they simply do things better with more efficiency. When people are down, stressed, pressurized, they tend to be 'inactive' in whatever they might be doing, meaning that they could not concentrate. At times like this, its where the 'successors' and 'non-successors' emerge. Those who would success would have a good grasp of situation, have a good lock on what they want and thus spring into action so as to overcome their troubles. A successor never gives up. How so? Because he has the strong will and determination, so much so that ill emotions does not affect what he wants to accomplish. Failing isn't the result of a failure, instead it is a result of a success in progress. Thus, people should not be dragged down by the fear of failing, it should be the other way round. Readers, remember two things. "Let no burdens burden you, make it work for you." and "Life is either a repetition of history or a new creation." These two quotes are from me, figure it out about how you could apply them in life.

Thank you for reading, I have come to the end of my post, hope you all had joy reading it (:
Note: Address any doubts by commenting.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Blog Post

Spatial / Visual
d. Design a civil rights movement poster for Maycomb.

This is the Civil Rights Movement poster I have come up with.

Interpersonal (Interview):
a. Conduct an interview with a friend (not from HCI) or family member. Find out from their point of view on prejudice and discrimination. Either record the interview or write out the interview transcript.

We shouldn't do it because it'll hurt the harmony between people and if it is on a large scale it might affect the country's harmony.
We wouldn't like being excluded just beccause we're not similar to the others, so we shouldn't do it to others. Hence, w
e should be fair to others just like how we want to be treated fairly, and we should try to maintain harmony in all aspects.

Personality Test

According to the survey results, I agree with the descriptions and the results.
Thus, I can be seen as an observant person and at the same time interpersonal.
Being observant is very important towards discovering new and creative ideas through observing the environment. Being interpersonal also means being able to understand how others feel, and thus could choose correct vocabulary while speaking to other people, and also not to offend other people because of the wrong choice of words.