Hey everyone,
Look at this picture... If you can't see clearly then take a closer look. If you still can't see then go to an optician. Well... Its only a rat, resting on a cat, which is standing on a dog! When I first came across this photo upon the net, the first thing which occurred on my mind is: "I thought they would start scratching and beat each other up." But this picture would certainly prove me wrong. Look at the cat who is standing on the dog, it looks pretty fine and the rat is simply relaxing on the cat! The dog was strolling along his master and didn't really bother about the animals up his back. What does this picture brings the message to me? And of course as readers you all would be amazed at how these three different types of animals which were known to be: Dog: "Hey cat I don't like you, I'm gonna chase you now and you better run; Cat: "Rat you are so puny and tiny yet you want to steal my owner's cheese, you deserve to be my meal!" Yes. That was what we were taught when we were young, as stories filled our innocent minds with the mindset that dogs would never get along with cats and cats never with rats.
Well, as readers you may be thinking, why am I posting such a post? Am I random and just feel bored? No, not really. I felt that I learnt from this picture, as long as you don't pick up a fight with someone, the fight would not occur even if he tries to start it. Let's state another example. If someone is persistent on something, like ideas he/she initiated or some point of views, we could actually not argue back about what you think his idea is wrong. The main point of my posting is to inform that accepting is part of a life skill. The dog did accept the cat as a friend, the cat accepted the rat as a friend. And now, why do many arguments and fights or disputes occur? The answer is simple. People do not accept what others may think. That's how today's society is like, with people disagreeing with one another and occasionally no one gives in to say they are at fault or confess whatever wrong which was done. Thus, being able to accept things from a different point of view and also accept other people's mistakes are of importance to avoid disputes and arguments. If animals could do it, why not the intelligent humans? Are we simply too intelligent that we live our own ways? No, its the matter whether you want to accept or not.
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