Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Unseen poetry

Unseen poetry requires one to have vast knowledge, imagination and a logical set of thinking to be able to uncover the underlying metaphoric meanings of literal words. What is difficult is, when the literal words are complicated to a point that you really don't know what it is referring to, then I guess it is of no choice but to use pure imagination. Many a times poems have 'random' phrases which totally doesn't make sense in the poem, so how does one goes about dealing with it?

1 comment:

  1. We can use our common sense to imagine. I can think that if I am the poet, what is the purpose to write that?

    Sometimes, our understanding may be different from the poet. Thus, we need to train ourselves. There is no such thing as "random" phrase. It is because we don't understand that.

    Hence, we need to be trained. If our explaination is reasonable, it is acceptable even if it may vary from the teacher's point of view. However, it must make sense to the teacher. So, just try harder and train ourselves.

    Huang Zhang Shengxi
